Welcome, Doctor!

Please proceed by clicking the sprite below



Normal DNI criteria applies, yanderes anti anti truscum and so on. If you bypass this we will know and block you.
If you enjoy irredeemable media such as SNK, camp camp, homestuck, yansim, etc. (JJBA fan are on thin ice. We might block you.)

Send one request at a time. CREDIT US FOR OUR WORK. Don't edit anything we post for any reason. Check the operator pages for what we do.


We figure we won't get much traction with just being an Arknights kin blog so we do have a few other things we are both willing to do.

Almost every gacha themed game is OK with us. FGO, Bandori, Enstars, GBF, etc.

OK: Icons, Aesthetics, Divination, Matchup, CC requests, Neopronoun sets
NO: Pramanix requests, Carter Alley, Fashion sets

OK: Icons, Aesthetics, Headers, Edits
NO: Silverash requests, Courier requests, Divination
(currently not able to work on the blog)

OK: Anything with editing
NO: stim
Etc: I am Lappland, Flamebringer, and Specter. If you don't want a double doing your request say so.